Assigned seating - a detail that many couples forget about until the very last minute, because it can be totally tedious! I mean come on, you already have to think about who to invite, and now you have to work on a seating chart too? It’s a lot of work, but we’re here to help!
Seating charts aren’t for every wedding. If you have over 200 people, to some it’s not even worth it. If you have less, it could be a fun way to add some personal touches to your wedding reception. Let’s dive in, shall we?!

Here are the PROS -
1. It’s Organized Organization is SO important when it comes to weddings right? Well, why not take it to the next level and create a seating arrangement to keep things in order? It will allow you to know who is coming, and possibly what they’d like to eat. Is there an allergy? You’ll know! A way to gather this information is on the wedding invitation. Add an insert all about food, that way the caterer knows exactly who is allergic to what, and where that individual is sitting.
2.It’s Personal
You’ll see at many weddings that people have cute custom name tags that they can take home! The great thing about this, is that it can also act as a party favor. Two in one! We always love those… We’ve always loved showing up and seeing a unique and custom name tag, but printing them out and placing them on cards is always a great way to do it too! We always welcome creativity, but sometimes, the simpler, the better!
3. It’s Direct
Aunt Sally doesn’t have to come up to the bride and groom to ask where she can sit, because it’s laid out on a board for her! It’s all there, and available for your guests to see it. You can get creative with the way you display the names too - which is always fun and exciting.

Here are the CONS - (In our opinion)
1. Restrictions Many people who complain about the seating arrangements say that they’d rather not sit next to someone they don’t know. To solve this problem, (if you still want to utilize the seating arrangements) make it per table, rather than per seat. Still, you’ll get some people complaining no matter what, so do what YOU WANT to do!
2. Complicated As mentioned previously, this can add another detail that you truly don’t want to think about. Especially if you have over 200 people… It’s a lot of work to gather all of these names and to place them where you find it suitable. Again, placing them at tables may be an easier task if you’re adamant about the arrangements.
3. RSVPS As you may or may not know, many people don’t think to RSVP. This can cause a lot of problems when it comes to seating arrangements, especially if you’re doing specific meal plans. If someone can’t make it last minute, it can cause some ruckus with the caterers and for the ones sitting at that specific table. Also, many people may ignore the table arrangements as well, especially when there are others they know there!
Overall, seating arrangements aren’t for everyone, right? But if they are for you, then they’re possible to create without stress! Especially if you have a planner, we can help you plug the names in, which is SO helpful in the long run.
Let us know if you have any questions - we’re here to help!
Jubilee Weddings and Events LLC