Registries can be hard to get together! Take a look at why you should create one below!

1. What is a Registry?
It is a list of items that a couple puts together to receive as gifts for their wedding. This list is typically made available to wedding guests!
2. Why Should I Create a Registry?
Creating a registry will make it easy for guests to send you love, whether they're attending the wedding or not! Also, it allows you, as the couple, to receive things you actually need / want in your home.
a. Gift Coordination
A wedding registry helps to avoid receiving duplicate gifts or items that the couple may not need or want. It allows guests to see what has already been purchased and choose something from the remaining options.
b. Ease for Guests
Guests often appreciate having guidance on what to gift the couple. A registry simplifies the gift-buying process by providing a curated list of items that the couple desires.
c. Online Convenience:
Many registries offer online platforms where couples can create and manage their registry, and guests can easily access it to make purchases from anywhere.
d. Traditional Expectations
Wedding registries have become a traditional part of the wedding planning process in many cultures, providing an expected way for couples to share their gift preferences with guests.
If you're stuck on what to add, ask your planner!
Jubilee Weddings and Events